What We Do

physio with balance and strengthen

Canine Rehab Clinic offers therapeutic services to help restore optimal function and comfort to your dog. If your dog is having difficulty getting in and out of the car, is walking with discomfort, has arthritis, and/or displays muscle weakness, we're here to help.

Upon first arrival, we provide a detailed assessment that analyzes the movement of your dog and determines any dysfunction. Together we will create an individualized treatment plan to help your dog get back to motion quickly and safely.

 Initial Assessment

During the first appointment, a complete musculoskeletal and neurological exam will be completed. It will begin with the therapist asking you questions about the injury, past medical history, activity levels and what your therapeutic goals are for your dog. The therapist will observe functional activities including gait, sit to stands, and the ability to turn. Then an objective exam will be completed to assess the range of motion of each joint. Areas of pain will be determined through palpation and special tests will be completed based on the dog’s injury. Lastly, a neurological scan will be completed to assess the spine, reflexes, and proprioception. Based on the therapist’s findings and your goals, a treatment plan will be developed to help your dog recover.